With over 13000 visitors from the ITS* community, from industry experts to policy makers, the ITS World Congress is the largest of its kind. Focusing on future smart mobility and the digitalisation of transport, the event showcases the latest innovations and technologies regarding ITS. Apart from a large exhibition area, part of the event are live, interactive and thought-provoking sessions where industry experts present the latest developments. One of these sessions included a presentation from the Connected Motorcycle Consortium. Motorcycles – Why they fit in automated and connected traffic CMC explained how powered two wheelers are part of urban mobility and provided insights from the latest accident data analyses in Crossing Traffic and Left Turn scenarios. With the presentation, CMC had three goals in mind:
On top of that, the congress provided the opportunity to raise awareness that the motorcycle industry is working together and joining forces in order to enhance rider safety. The CMC Basic Specification and its set of documents were introduced, including the roadmap towards the future. https://www.cmc-info.net/basic-specification.html Time To Collision (TTC) The topic of ‘Time-to-collision’ was illustrated based on the two mentioned scenarios, where the Left Turn scenario proved much more of a challenge compared to the Crossing Traffic scenario, in terms of available reaction time. According to a study by Breuer et al.**, a reaction time of around 3 or more seconds is required, but especially with the Left Turn scenario it only allows few cases matching this criteria. The Crossing Traffic scenario, on the other hand, shows a majority of cases within this time and therefore a promising potential for avoiding accidents. Way forward CMC announced to further investigate motorcycle accidents and further identify the important scenarios. On top of that, a strengthened collaboration with industries / stake-holders (car, truck, infrastructure, etc.) will be key to achieve further progress in motorcycle safety. And finally, it will be important to develop ITS specifications which are suitable for motorcycles from an interoperability, affordability and mountability point of view. A copy of the presentation can be found in the downloads section of our website: https://www.cmc-info.net/downloads.html * ITS = Intelligent Transport Systems ** Source = J.Breuer, S Gleissner: Neue Systeme zur Vermeidung bzw. Folgenminderung von Auffahrunfällen | VDI-Berichte #1960, pg 397 | VDI Verlag Düsseldorf 2006 |
January 2025